The Project Green Mining Group is a Italian start Up . for build Mining Rig only about green energy , Green: respect for the environment, low energy consumption, sustainability, recovery of electronic components and precious materials such as Copper, Tin, Lead, Nickel, Gold, Silver, Silicy Twitter Telegram Web Site

Created on:
11 Feb 2022
Already released:
9 999 239.3557
Not yet released:
Active orders:
10 221.0000
Created on:
11 Feb 2022
Active orders:
10 221.0000
Release period:
1 year(s)
Hourly installment:
Already released:
9 999 239.3557
Wallet on exchange:
7 846 318.6109
-11 517.9108
Sold on the market:
50 587.3828
Not yet released:
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
07:08:23 15 Aug, 2022

Buy green Mining Token i Trade for You

13:08:58 05 Aug, 2022

the price of mintme is different for each currency: BTC-USDC-BNB-ETH. both for sale and purchase, this can generate earnings and cover demand / offers. We trade for you, buy and sell mintme where it is most convenient. How does it work ? our tokrn are for purchase at 1.0 mintme and for sale at 1.1, when the pre-set packages are finished they will be for purchase at 11 and for sale at 1.2 and so on 1.2/1.3 1.3/1.4 etc etc. the earnings obtained from trading will be used to buy the Trade for You to climb to the next level Invest with us and Invest for You

06:03:29 19 Mar, 2022

Hai un Asic in cantina perchè non rende piu ? Venderlo risulta impossibile ? cosa farne ? Green Mining Group può ridargli produttività . Le Nostre attività si svolgono in Tunisia dove costi di Manodopera d'impresa e di elettricità sono altamente contenuti. Ti proponiamo di Affidarci il tuo Asic, Noi pagheremo le spese di elettricità e i profitti verranno divisi al 50 % se sei interessato contattaci

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